Friday, March 20, 2020

Why Should Cross and Trial Grieve Me

A great hymn of comfort by Paul Gerhardt, 1607-76, for times like this.

Why should cross and trial grieve me?
    Christ is near
    With His cheer;
Never will He leave me.
Who can rob me of the heaven
    That God’s Son
    For me won
When His life was given?

When life’s troubles rise to meet me,
    Though their weight
    May be great,
They will not defeat me.
God, my loving Savior, sends them;
    He who knows
    All my woes
Knows how best to end them.

God gives me my days of gladness,
    And I will
    Trust Him still
When He sends me sadness.
God is good; His love attends me
    Day by day,
    Come what may,
Guides me and defends me.

From God's joy can nothing sever,
    For I am 
    His dear lamb,
He, my Shepherd ever;
I am His because He gave me
    His own blood 
    For my good,
By His death to save me.

Now in Christ, death cannot slay me,
    Though it might, 
    Day and night,
Trouble and dismay me;
Christ has made my death a portal
    From the strife 
    Of this life
To His joy immortal!

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