This 2008 translation of a text by Wilhelm Loehe is titled "Abendmahlslied" and subtitled Freudenlied der erquickten Seele. The origInal tune, O FREUDE, FREUDE was written in 1890 by Fr. Mener. An alternate tune is WIE SOLL ICH DICH EMPFANGEN.
1. My heart with joy is sounding—
Now God is one with me!
His love my heart surrounding
For all eternity:
So highly He esteemed me,
To come with love divine,
And with His blood redeemed me—
I’m His and He is mine!
2. I come, O Bridegroom holy,
My soul made sick by sin,
Your feast of love can solely
Heal all my ills within.
Your wounded side, O Jesus,
Has pow’r to sanctify;
Your blood sin’s grip releases,
So that I will not die.
3. All sin, Lord, I relinquish
Within this crimson flood,
Hell’s embers to extinguish
Beneath Your precious blood;
Accused by sin no longer,
I grasp Your love anew,
With faith made sure and stronger—
How well I’m fed by You!
4. Lord, what can I surrender,
What debt is owed and due?
All that I am I tender
In love, O Christ, to You!
I’m Yours for Your safe keeping,
For Satan, night and day,
With foul deceit is creeping,
To steal my soul away.
5. The path for my salvation
You walked to Calvary;
Receive my adoration
For all Your gifts to me!
May this be my beginning
To love You more, I pray,
To flee this world of sinning
And live my faith each day.
6. My faith bring to completion,
Lord, by Your flesh and blood,
My naked soul’s depletion
Now cover with Your good.
What mercy I am tasting
In this, Your meal of love,
With yearning I am hasting
To know Your bliss above.